Can You Unspay A Dog?

Recently, research said, each day 70 thousand puppies and kittens are born which creates overpopulation. If you have a female dog, you might have heard of spaying dog issues. If you miss out on these parts, then this article will be great knowledge for pet lovers. 

Spaying is a surgical process that can be done in the case of female animals like canines or dogs. Unspayed female dogs may suffer from life-threatening infections and severe swelling. But we have got a different question, which is, Can You Unspay A Dog? We are literally saying, No! It’s totally impossible to reverse a spayed dog. 

Forget about the unspayed dogs, let us focus on spaying dogs as it’s important to know before talking about unspayed dogs matter. Veterinarians suggest doing this spaying dog surgery for the welfare of canines. Well, if you are thinking about keeping the dog unspayed, remember that it’s a mess! You have to carry a lot of burdens to keep your dog safe and lively. Let’s talk about this in detail.

What is Spaying Dog?

What is Spaying Dog

As today’s topic is interconnected with the spaying dogs matter, so we would like to introduce the spaying dogs topic. Spaying is an essential part of the animal’s life. It is a surgical treatment of certain reproductive organs that are removed by a veterinarian. 

The surgery is also called an ovariohysterectomy. In this process, the vet involves removing the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries from female animals. A French veterinarian doctor, Judith Samson, has tried Deslorelin acetate implants to control the dog population.

Female dogs should be spayed before they become six months old. The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has suggested it too. You can discuss it with your vet in order to determine an ideal timeline for spaying your dog.

Related Spaying Dog: Can You Spay A Pregnant Dog

What Happens After Spaying Dog Surgery?

In that surgery, the veterinarian removes the testicles and ovaries from dogs since they release hormones that might stimulate sexual contact, aggressiveness, escaping, moving, urine spraying, and some other odd behaviors. 

Also, keeping the dog unspayed while having the gonad may have the possibility of exposing your pet to diseases like breast cancer, prostate issues, and other fatal sicknesses. So, we hope you understand why spaying dogs is important.

Can you Unspay a Female Dog

Impossible to Reverse

We’ve been asked if it’s possible to reverse or unspay a spayed dog. The answer will be “no, you can’t!” It’s totally impossible to reverse. 

It is not a good idea to keep your dog intact. Why? It’s for the dog’s welfare, and actually, it’s not possible at all if you want to reverse your dog into an unneutered dog. You put your dog in danger by not having him spayed or neutered. The dog that has been spayed is no longer able to give birth to puppies.

But a dog that is not spayed yet can be called an unspayed dog. So, we will keep our eyes on this part. Usually, unspayed female dogs go into heat around every 6 months.

Also Read: Can a dog still produce sperm after being neutered

Erratic Heat Cycle

Junior and senior canines have a more erratic heat cycle, and the size of the dog can significantly impact how quickly they go into heat. Larger breeds will have only one cycle each year, but smaller dogs will have more than two.

Pregnant Frequently

Actually, it is not possible to reverse the surgery or make the dog unspay as the surgery has already been done. But if the dog is not spayed yet, you will notice the unspayed dog will have regular heat cycles and, ultimately, become pregnant frequently. 

Unspayed or unneutered dogs give birth to new litters of fluffy puppies that can lead to animal overpopulation. Sigh!

Sexual Tension in a Female Dog

When you keep the unneutered dogs, they can generally have two litters per year, each carrying 6 to 10 baby dogs. If your female dog meets unneutered, unrestrained male dogs, it assures the birth of puppies. 

You may also observe the dog trying to get into a sexual position when confronting male dogs. So, veterinarians suggest spaying the dog at the right time. Can you imagine, why spaying dogs is necessary?

According to the University of Missouri Extension, dog gestation lasts 64–66 days. Throughout the childbearing years, unspayed dogs go into heat or estrous cycles two times a year. 

According to the ASPCA, if a female dog is unspayed, she commonly faces mammary cancer. So, if you let the dog stay unspayed, they will breed and the birth will not be under your control.

Difficulties of Unspayed Dogs

Generally, your unspayed dogs go into the heat or estrus cycle during their reproductive years. If there is an estrus cycle, they often complain of bloody vaginal discharge, urination, swollen reproductive organs, increased vocalization, tiredness, anxiety, and some other difficulties. 

So, if you ever think about the reverse situation, it will never happen! The results of spay and neuter procedures cannot be changed. Therefore, if your dog is spayed by a veterinarian, you will not be able to breed more puppies in the future. 

Importance of Spaying Female Dogs

Can you Unspay a Female Dog

Well, it’s time to take our discussion to the topic of why spaying a dog is necessary. We have talked about unspayed dogs and the possible causes that happen when the dog is not spayed.

Why does the vet suggest spaying the dog? Do you have any ideas? Let’s talk about this so that you change your mind about unspayed dogs and how to turn them into spayed dogs. Let’s see why you don’t need to unspay the dog.

  1. Sterilization or spaying is a way to stop unnecessary pregnancies. 
  2. In reality, the dog’s probability of developing major medical issues rises with each cycle of heat. Spaying or neutering your pet at the proper time enhances the possibility of getting longer, healthier life.
  3. By spaying your female pet, you can stop stray males from hanging out in your yard and lessen their tendency to roam and colonize by breeding puppies.
  4. The heat cycle causes hormonal changes that cause irritability, nervousness, and even pain. Female dogs who have received spaying surgery may behave more regularly. 
  5. Prevent possibly fatal risks during pregnancy and delivery. 
  6. Spaying can increase the lifespan. According to data from over 70,000 animal patients at the University of Georgia, neutered male dogs had a 13.8 percent longer life expectancy, while spayed female dogs had a 26.3 percent lower mortality rate.
  7. Spaying can keep them away from the unpleasant heat that lasts for a few weeks once or twice a year.
  8. reduces the risk of having disorders such as ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, or Pyometra uterine infections. 
  1. You can give them 30 minutes of aerobic exercise each day in addition to lots of mental activity to improve their unspayed female dog behavior. 
  2. Neutering male dogs reduces the risk of prostatic illness, hernias, and fatal testicular cancer. Also, the spaying round can lessen difficulties with uncontrolled urination, sexual aggression, and other unpleasant situations. 
  3. On the other hand, spaying helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer in female dogs. It eliminates the possibility of getting a major, possibly fatal uterine infection.
  4. Unspayed female dogs often try to fight with other dogs for attention. So, unneutered male canines must remain under your control with unspayed females because they are constantly fertile.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Spaying the Dog

  1. When a female dog is in heat, she may sometimes bleed. 
  2. Only female dogs in heat usually get pregnant easily. 
  3. If you notice the female dog is getting heated up a lot, spay her so that she cannot breed continuously. 
  4. Remember that unspayed females should use sanitary pads when they are in heat.
  5. You cannot keep intact male and female dogs in the same house.
  6. An adult male dog’s irritability, nervousness, and total absence of consciousness in the proximity of a female during the standing season are quite difficult to understand. 
  7. If the female dog missed getting pregnant, they might have “fake pregnancies” or “pseudopregnancies.” Canines who are pretending to be pregnant frequently “adopt” items and treat them like litter, and they aggressively protect the object.
  8. When the dog is spayed at the perfect time, it will undoubtedly be longer than when the dog is unspayed. 


1. Can you reverse a spayed dog?

No, a dog who has undergone surgery or been spayed cannot be reversed. The pet can no longer reproduce, and it is totally irreversible.

2. Does a dog’s personality change after spaying?

Actually, the dog’s behavior and personality do not change after spaying, but a few changes you will notice, like sexual desire, illness, or aggression. 

3. How much does it cost to spay a dog?

The average cost of spaying a dog is $200–$400. But some vet doctors do the surgery at a low cost of less than $200, and they charge only $40–$50 for some small dogs.

4. At what age do you spay a dog?

We suggest spaying your older dog until the dog is at least 6 months old. Some veterinarians advise delaying the neuter or spay surgery until the pet reaches maturity. And your little dogs should be spayed or neutered until they reach 6 or 9 months of age.


So, we hope you have got the answer to “Can You Unspay A Dog!” You understand that there is no possible way to reverse the spaying process. In addition, we have discussed the importance of spaying dogs and the disadvantages of keeping unspayed dogs.

If the article helped you to understand the spayed dog and unspayed dog matters, please don’t forget to read our other dog-related articles. We have more informative articles on canine topics.

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